ISBN Check Digit Calculation


The check digit is the last digit of an ISBN.
It is calculated on a modulus 11 with weights 10-2,
using X in lieu of 10 where ten would occur as a check digit.

This means that each of the first nine digits of the ISBN
 – excluding the check digit itself –
is multiplied by a number ranging from 10 to 2 and
that the resulting sum of the products,
plus the check digit,
must be divisible by 11 without a remainder.

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使用的是 Python + Curl 的组合,

Python脚本用来写控制程序,网络部分由 Curl 完成。

curl 是一个网络应用程序,使用很方便,支持http ftp https telnet 等众多协议,
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Vim 新书快递

Hacking Vim: A Cookbook to get the Most out of the Latest Vim Editor

看了一下介绍,讲的是Vim7.0,最新的版本,但是不适合初学者,对有一定Vim基础的应该是一本比较好的书,还没有下载完,一会先去浏览一下,看介绍的,我对一些章节还是挺感兴趣的,比如:auto-completion 和 folding。

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