前几天就看到网站上面的Google Adsense的样式有变化,当初就准备写个Google Adsense的文章来分享一下Adsense的改进,今天就看到Google Adsense中文博客已经有了这个更新的声明,下面我们来看看广告改进在哪些方面。
Category: Uncategorized
IC Complier Placement and Optimization Attributes
Attribute | Coarse placement | Detail placement | Optimization |
is_fixed | Cannot move cells | Cannot move cells | Cannot move, rotate, or resize cells |
cts_fixed |
Cannot move cells | Cannot move cells | Cannot move, rotate, or resize cells |
is_soft_fixed | Cannot move cells | No restrictions | No restrictions |
size_only | No restrictions | No restrictions | Can only resize cells |
in_place_size_only | Cannot move cells | No restrictions | Can only resize cells if there is room |
dont_touch | No restrictions | No restrictions | Cannot move, rotate, or resize cells |
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除了网速和CPU快慢,Linux服务器或者Linux VPS的硬盘读写速度也很重要呐。CPU大多蛮强劲,不必担心,网速的话机房是固定的也就变化不大了,这样硬盘的读写速度就可能成为服务器或者vps的性能瓶颈了。在linux下面我们可以使用命令dd来测试硬盘写入速度。
汽车:发动机排量L T FSI TSI和TFSI的意思与区别
小游戏:Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction一个HTML5的小游戏,建议使用firefox或Chrome浏览器。
游戏网址: http://www.yvoschaap.com/chainrxn/
用php创建带有效期的linux账户 zz
今天在坛子(www.hostloc.com)里看到有人问如何用 php 创建带有效期的 linux 账户,我当时就给回复了一个 php 代码,后来我测试了一下才知道 useradd 这个系统命令之能用root执行.
所以只能想办法让 webserver 调用这个命令了,平时想要提高权限只有 su 和 sudo 这两个命令,所以我就把思路放在这上面了,可是结果调用了这两个命令后也还是不行,在网上搜了搜知道可以修改 sudo 的配置来达到我想要的效果,好了不再废话了,下面进入正题。
Gate-Array-Backfill (GBF) Cells
Nearly every chip being produced today faces at least one respin in the life of the project. Multiple respins are not uncommon. The financial pain of these engineering potholes can be alleviated by changing as few layers in the design as possible–two layers changed in a 10 layer design is a great savings over an all-layer respin.